Kinds Of Writing Genres

Not because you are good in grammar, can collect information, and put them into writing, you can be called a good writer already. A genuine writer understands that there are different kinds of writing genres today. It is best if one writer knows a number of genres and does not focus one genre alone. This is true especially if you are working as a freelance writer. To be able to get freelance writing projects, you must be flexible writing different kinds of contents. Budding writers meanwhile can choose one that is most comfortable to write and make that genre as training ground. As they progress, it’s but wise to add one genre after the other if they want their freelance writing career to flourish.

The kinds of writing genres available depend on the audience where it will be shown, on the publication it will be published, and on the requirement of every freelance writing client. Here are some of the most common. See the list and check how many of them you can work on.


From the kinds of writing genres, this by far is the most common genre. This is a type of content that requires writer to produce general and factual concerns with a mixture of advertising or marketing. Copywriters attract the readers first by providing facts then market a certain product at the end of the article. The advertising done in copywriting is subtle that a reader will only notice at the end.

Ebook Writing:

In this digital age, publishing books are now being replaced by ebooks. What authors do is apart from publishing their hardbound books they create an online edition called the ebooks. Ebooks vary from genre to genre too. It can be a novel or textbooks. Though there are mini-ebooks published today, the typical word count of one ebook is 60,000 words. Ebook writing therefore requires a writer with extensive research capability and broadened creativity.

Product Description Writing:

Product description writing can also be called technical writing. This writing genre requires the writer to describe a specific product to the readers. The writer must be good in enticing the readers without directly marketing the product. The writer must be able to describe the product that will entice the reader to buy it.

Press Releases:

This is also called News Releases. This is a bit difficult among other kinds of writing genres. There is a specific format that the writer must follow. Press releases are usually published on news websites. The subject of the content can be a product, an affair, a service, and other things a company would like to announce in the public.

Novel Writing:

This requires time before a novel can be published online. Usually, novels are fiction stories hence, the writer must have wide imagination to make the novel alive when read. Not all writers are gifted to create a novel, it may be difficult to study novel writing but worth knowing.

Blog Writing:

This is more of a personal approach. Blog writers focus on one topic only and require regular updating of the blog site. Among the kinds of writing genres, new writers work on blog first before they start writing other genres. Blog writing is the easiest so far.