Kinds Of Allergies
Discuss kinds of allergies. Allergies are the immune system’s reaction to something that usually causes no harm, like pollen or dust for example. There are several different kinds of allergies including food allergies, seasonal allergies and pet allergies, amongst others. These allergies can be categorized into lots of different kinds. For instance, what causes the allergy and when does it come about.
For instance, allergies which are specific to a particular season, like hay fever , strike at particular times in the year. Other kinds of allergies can affect the sufferer all year round. These kinds of allergies are referred to as perennial allergies and can be so much harder to treat. With both kinds of allergies, medication is used to treat the symptoms. Reducing time spent around those triggering allergens is also recommended as a preventive. Shots may also be administered as a course of treatment in some people.
Grass pollen, molds and fungi, weeds and tree pollen are the allergens that usually trigger seasonal allergies.
Perennial allergies are most often caused by allergens such as animals, house dust and dust mites.
Some people may suffer allergic reactions to particular types of food. Food intolerances or allergies affect most people at some time or another. Foods that may be implicated in these kinds of allergies or intolerances are milk, eggs, wheat, nuts, fish, shellfish, sulphite, soy and casein; although a person can be allergic to any kinds of food; strawberries or pineapples for example. The best way to avoid an allergic reaction, which may range from a mild rash on the skin to more severe rashes and fatal symptoms of swelling of the tongue and throat, is to avoid these foods that cause these reactions altogether. Symptoms and reactions of a milk allergy for example, may include wheezing, hives and vomiting. Allergic reactions to egg are most prevalent in children.
Symptoms of a wheat allergy can include eczema, stomach upset, allergic bronchospasm, rhinitis and anaphylaxis.
Sulfites are a group of sulfur-based compounds that do occur naturally or may be added to food as a preservative and an enhancer. One in a hundred people can get an allergic reaction to sulphur-based compounds known as sulphites.
Some people suffer with soy allergies, which can occur from eating soy beans.
Some people are allergic to casein which is a protein found in milk. Symptoms of this kind of allergy can include swollen lips or hives.
Allergic conjunctivitis, or Pink Eye can be spread by STDs, viruses or bacteria. It can be passed freely between people.
Urticaria or hives are swollen areas of faded red welts, patches or bumps that appear out of nowhere on the body. These can be because of an allergic reaction, amongst other things.
The poison oak and poison ivy plants hold an oily, irritating sap known as urushiol which can trigger an allergic response as a result of touching the skin, causing a rash which can be itchy. The rash can appear immediately or not until a number of days afterwards.
Some people may get an adverse allergic response if stung by a wasp, bee, hornet or yellow jacket. However, the majority of people would not react adversely to an insect sting.
Some people are allergic to mold or fungus and some are allergic to penicillin. They suffer an allergic response that occurs when the body’s immune system overreacts to penicillin antibiotics. These kinds of allergies can be fatal if not recognised before onset.