Kinds of Paragraphs
Explore how many kinds of paragraph writing are present in English language?
English language is a very rich language in terms of vocabulary, idioms, writing formats such as kinds of essays, letters, paragraphs and even comprehensions. One has to be well aware of all these formats especially with kinds of paragraph writing. Paying attentions to various kinds of paragraph writing is important since the whole meaning of communications depends on them. If one is not aware of varying kinds of paragraph writing then he will be unable to come up with strong essays, letters or case studies. A paragraph, which is well developed, focuses on presentation of one unit of thought. There are seven different kinds of paragraph based on style of writing.
1. Narration
Paragraphs written in narrative form end up becoming a story. These paragraphs present events in a chronological order. Narrative paragraphs consist of conflict, resolution, characters and setting. If you study about World War II, you will find narrative paragraphs since they will be describing various events depicting roles played by significant personalities. A whole story will be created and you will get a picture of series of events in your mind that took place during World War II.
2. Description
Out of seven kinds of paragraphs, the second kind is of descriptive paragraphs. These are written in a way that a person starts assuming any scene, object or a person through reading those paragraphs. Sensory language is used and series of very detailed observation are carefully recorded. These kinds of paragraphs are somewhat like narrative paragraphs. They unfold visual characteristics in a dramatized way. The sole object of writing descriptive paragraphs is to move story ahead.
3. Comparison
These kinds of paragraphs compare two and even more events, characters, objects etc. Writers write comparison paragraph after preparing a chart. They include names of characters, events and objects that are to be compared in the paragraph. Also mentioned is the criteria of comparing them.
4. Definition
Definition paragraphs are unique ones out of seven kinds of paragraphs. They provide meanings by using happenings and events. The writer has to put a strong effort to clearly explain that what something or someone is. He has to avoid explaining what something or someone is not.
5. Exposition
Exposition paragraphs are explanatory out of all the kinds of paragraphs. They can become important part of narrative and descriptive paragraphs. The writer has to cite authorities having good credentials by adding credibility in expository paragraph. This kind of paragraph justifies the reason behind importance of something.
6. Persuasion
Persuasive paragraphs are used in columns and editorial. One has to use a direct approach to come up with strong persuasive paragraphs. The sole object behind these paragraphs is to change minds of people; or to take an action to persuade them. These paragraphs help readers to formulate a good or bad opinion.
7. Process Analysis
Out of all kinds of paragraph, here the writer uses series of actions to describe happening of a process. It is important to place these events in a sequence.