Kinds Of Soil In India
There are many different kinds of soil in india which is what gives the nation a large variation in the kinds of vegetations. It is important to know the kinds of soil in india if one wishes to focus on agriculture in the nation. Apart from agriculture the various kinds of soil in india can also dictate the lifestyle of people in the area as well as the fauna of the area. Life all over the nation is highly dependent on the kinds of soil found there. It is thus important to know of the various kinds of soil in india.
Here are the various kinds of soil in india as well as where they are found-
Alluvial soil- this is the most fertile soil and it covers a large part of India. Alluvial soil is generally deposited by rivers when they flood during the rainy season. This soil is rich in nutrients and is essential for growth of crops like rice, which cannot grow in less fertile soil. As the river systems are responsible for the availability of this kind of soil, this soil can be found where ever rivers flow. This soil is found mainly in the plains of northern India.
Black or regur soil- this soil is also a fertile soil which supports the growth of certain kinds of plants. The presence of various salts as well as humus imparts the black color to the soil which gives it its name. Black soil is generally found in the plateau regions like the Deccan plateau.
Laterite soil- tropical regions generally has this kind of soil. Laterite soil is quite rich in moisture and is a good soil for plant growth. The soil is reddish due to the presence of iron oxides. The soil is found in coastal regions of the Western and Eastern Ghats as well as plateau regions.
Red and yellow soil- in areas which receive scanty rainfall such kinds of soil can be found. This soil is reddish due to the concentration of iron oxides just like the Laterite soil. During monsoon the soil is good for cultivation. They are found in pockets around India where rainfall is less.
Saline soil- this kind of soil is hostile for plant growth due to its salinity. The highly acidic nature of the soil makes it impossible for plants to grow in them. Some coastal areas have this kind of soil.
Desert soil- unlike the saline soil this soil is cultivable if there is sufficient water. The desert soil is generally mineral rich but the lack of rain in the area, like Thar Desert, makes vegetation scanty.
Mountain soil- as the name suggests this soil is found on higher altitudes. They are hospitable for certain kinds of plants. This soil is widespread in the Himalayan region.
Peat or marshy soil- there are many marshy regions in India. The nutrient rich soil in this area is marshy or peat soil.
These are the various kinds of soil in india which results in the rich vegetation of the country.